NIK 1989

14. - 15. november 1989


Bjørn Arild W Baugstø & Jarle Fredrik Greipsland (IDT-NTH): Sorting large data files on the HC16 parallel database computer
Ole John Aske (IDT-NTH): A B-tree access method for parallel execution
John I Dalseng (IMR datafag, UiTø): Simulation and parallel processing
Lasse Natvig (IDT-NTH): Comparison of some highly parallel sorting algorithms with a simple sequential algorithm
Åge J Eide (ØDH): Neurale nett anvendt ved gjenkjenning av talelyd
Stein W Wallace (HMH): Parallel challenges in stochastic optimization
Arne Halaas (IDT-NTH): On the defeat of `search keys’ in advanced object retrievals
Ernst H Kristiansen, Knut Alnæs, Bjørn O Bakka & Marit Jensen (Dolphin): Scalable coherent interface
Håkon O Bugge & Ernst H Kristiansen (Dolphin): Trace driven simulations for decision making on cache line size and cache size in a two level cache design
Ole Lehrmann Madsen & Birger Møller-Pedersen (NR): Virtual classes ? an object-oriented alternative to parameterized types and generics
Arve Meisingset (TFI): A minimal language for everything
Khalid Azim Mughal (Ifi-UiB): Using attribute grammars to generate incremental indirect threaded code for program editors
Sverre Spurkland (NR): En ny metode for verifikasjon
Stig F Mjølsnes (IDT-NTH): Digital currency by cryptographic protocols
Leikny Øgrim (Ifi-UiO): Dagens metoder i framtidas systemutvikling
Stein Gjessing, Stein Krogdahl & Ellen Munthe-Kaas (Ifi-UiO): Formal specification and verification of SCI cache coherence
Olaf Owe (Ifi-UiO): Axiomatic treatment of processes with shared variables revisited
Svein O Hallsteinsen, Arne Venstad (ELAB-RUNIT), Astrid Nyeng & Hjalmar Martinsen (TFI): Transformational program development ? an approach to translating SDL to CHILL
Reidar Conradi, Per H Westby, Anund Lie (IDT-NTH), Ole Solberg (ELAB-RUNIT), Vincenzo Ambriola & Maria Letizia Jaccheri: Software process management in EPOS
Anund Lie (IDT-NTH): The EPOS prototype database
Arne J Berre (SI), T Lougenia Anderson, Moira Mallison & Harry Porter: Specification of the hyper model benchmark
J C Nordbotten (Iiv-UiB): DECRA ? a data model for schema translation and integration
Guttorm Sindre (IDT-NTH): Tempora ? an ESPRIT project
Andreas L Opdahl, Vidar Vetland & Arne Sølvberg (IDT-NTH): An integrated environment for performance evaluation and possible information systems engineering applications
Even-André Karlsson (IDT-NTH): A microprocessor emulator to teach operating systems
Gisle Hannemyhr, Ole Hanseth & Hanne Larsen (NR): ODA as a basis for standardization of exchange of medical information ? a prototype system

(Bidragene finnes dessverre ikke på elektronisk form.)

Om konferansen


Høgskoleseneteret i Stavanger


Stavanger Airport Hotel, Sola.


Reidar Conradi NTH (redaktør)
Bjørn Kirkerud Univ i Oslo
Jon Natvig HS i Rogaland
Kai A. Olsen DH i Molde